Gain Youtube Subscribers with these 4 simple tips

Over 4 billion videos viewed — that’s how much video content we consume every year (although we do eat more burgers than we watch videos, because that number pales in comparison to the nearly 300 billion burgers McDonald’s serves). But the rising influence of video cannot be ignored, especially when it can affect a business.

And no other video platform is more popular than YouTube. Owned by Google, with one billion unique visitors every month, the video sharing website has become the go-to source for every type of video — from how-to’s of just about everything to animals behaving in insanely cute ways. It’s also the second biggest search engine, which means it’s a crucial aspect to SEO success. Turning your visitors into Youtube Subscribers is a great way to get regular hits on your content.

Here are four ways to optimise a channel for brand awareness and visibility on the world’s second largest search engine.

1. Create a channel that will stand out to Youtube Subscribers

OK, so the channel cannot be customised the way it could be before. But there are ways to make a business channel look better than other channels. The right dimensions should be applied, which is, according to Mashable, 2560 x 1440 pixels

Aside from the visual appeal, creating a great name and coming up with an irresistible description can also make any channel stand out. When we see a video channel with a captivating name and description on a search engine, we’re bound to click it!

2. Make that profile a source of traffic

The channel’s profile can become a good source for traffic, so long as it contains links to the business blog or product pages, and it also leads viewers to social media profiles which, while limited to Twitter, Facebook, and, of course, Google+, still works to spread audiences across all relevant sites.

3. Increase reach with optimised metadata

This starts with a cool and descriptive title (ideally under 66 characters) that includes the natural use of keywords. The videos on the channel should also come with relevant tags (mostly phrases). Metadata helps Google and its video platform figure out the subject of the videos, and then ranks them accordingly.

4. Add a playlist

Video ranking on the site is done through something called “watch time.” It’s basically recommended videos, which have longer overall viewing sessions. When the channel features a playlist, YouTube automatically plays the next video, making viewers stick around a little longer, increasing time-on-page as well as time-on-site metrics.

Last, but certainly not the least, is to make sure the videos are worth viewing. No amount of perfectly composed profile and metadata can make up for bad videos. We as viewers might be persuaded by the right set of keywords, but once we see a terrible video from a brand, we don’t return for another “serving.”

Try these out and let us know if your number of Youtube Subscribers grows.

1 thought on “Gain Youtube Subscribers with these 4 simple tips”

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