Refining Your Digital Workflows for 2023

When was the last time you reviewed your digital tools, processes and workflows? Here’s some tips to get you started. Let’s start 2023 with a optmised mindset and workflow!

What current digital workflows and tools are you using?

If you haven’t reviewed the *way* that you’re running your operations or processes for a while, it might be that there are some newer tools out there that might save you time, stress and enegry. So it’s always worth reviewing your processes every 6 months or 12 months at regluarly intervals.

Example Digital Processes include…

•Emails – Automated, Manual, Templates
•Social Media Posts/DMs/PMs/SMSs
•Digital Documents, Links, Backups
•Creative Brainstorming
•Receipt/Invoice creation & management
•Website updates
•Calendar/Appointment Setting
•Task Lists, Reminders & Project Management

Analyse your Digital Workflows…

What things do you currently do in your business that involve more than one digital step? Then they’re a workflow.
Some examples include…
•Client on-boarding
•GDPR Processes
•Content distribution
•Data storage and backup

Questions to Ask When Reviewing Your Workflows

•Number of tools/platforms?
•What does each one do?
•Who has access? Who needs access?
•Does it work on Mac/iOS, Windows, Android?
•What is paper based that could be digital?
•Are there duplicate functions?
•Can you reduce the data captured?
•Can you reduce the number of steps?
•Any new tools that would help?

Top Digital Workflow Hacks

Track what workflows you use for a week – are they easy to use? What’s missing? What would you love that process to do for you?
What can be automated? Check out the platforms integrations that are built in. Can you link the two tools together? If it’s not immediately obvious you can use an Integration Tool like Zapier or IFTTT to link then via a 3rd party programme
What workflow processes currently involve paper based steps? Can these be digitised?
If you’re working with others, do you all know the clear and defined process to using your workflow? Does it need a refresh or explainer?
Think about how your “second brain” could relieve some of the stress for you
Take some time out to review your current workflows. What’s good, bad, helpful, annoying about them. Do some further reseach on other tools that might help.

Stuck in your inbox? Then check out our ZenForInbox training

Need More Help?

So if you have any quick questions you can’t find the answer to, give us an email and we’ll always try and help you out with some answers and links (we are happy to do this for free, but a fair usage policy applies).

If you’d like a more in-depth and bespoke online training session for you or your teams, contact us for more information on how our online training sessions and consultations can help.