Putting Romance back into your Online Marketing

Do you do all you can for your clients? Get to know them, like they were your best friend?

This is a great way to understand their needs, their pain points and more importantly how what you can do can help them as much as possible.

Whether you’re B2B or B2C, large or small, services or products driven, everything at the heart of what you do should be your clients, customers or service users!

Liz and Darren recently ran a seminar for the local business network, (if you missed it, it was a corker!) where the focus was on how to put the Romance back into your online marketing – without a doubt if you think about your user or customer (or potential customers) first, you’ll find your marketing efforts are much better received and at converting.

Alongside the demo of a “First date in a Parisian Restaurant” and some laughs at the popular show “Naked Attraction” there were some key takeaways amongst the fun session with senior decision makers and business owners, honest! (We did have lots of fun though too!)

So here’s our top tips for Putting the Romance Back in your Online Marketing:

  1. Don’t ask for sex – ok, so you kinda had to be there… but we basically mean, do go in for the hard sell straight way. The age old saying of “people buy from people” seems to be even stronger these days, so people want to get to know you first!
  2. In true dating style – think about who you want to attract – who’s your ideal target client? Ok, so at this point everyone says something like “anyone!” but if you *really* had to be picky what would you ideal client be like – easy to work with? Lots of money? Happy to try new things? And it’s not just about demographics!
  3. What have you got to offer? What do your ideal clients want from you? When, Where, How, Why and What are always good starting points to work from.
  4. Connect and make your date feel special – everyone wants to feel like they are loved by someone, feel wanted and needed – make sure your clients feel the same! Those little attentions to detail, remembering their birthday, favourite drink, how they take their tea, or their business goals – be unique and truly care!
  5. Plenty more fish – this head-nods to the dating app PMF – so when you’ve got your ideal client target and funnel down to a T – repeat. If you aren’t there yet, tweak what you’re doing and try again.
  6. Need help? Seek specialist advice – we are no Patti Stanger, Millionaire Matchmaker, but we do know a lot about digital and marketing stuff like this. Sometimes if you get stuck the best (and most cost efficient) thing to do is get an expert on the case.

We hope that’s been of use (and a bit of fun to boot!) if you have any questions or would like more info on how we could help, just get in touch.

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