Darren Jenkinson
My name is Darren Jenkinson, I am a media trainer turned content marketer and I am passionate about helping today’s business grow and become more sustainable through the use of digital technology.
I am skilled at helping my clients become better established online, as well as enabling them to take their established relationships offline and convert them into sales. With a background in radio, I understand the need for today’s businesses to offer quality content if they are going to engage properly with their target audience. I rely heavily on my experience to help take my clients’ businesses to the next level and beyond.
My degree in Psychology, combined with an extensive array of training, delivery and management courses, have enabled me to position myself where I can do the most good and be the most effective for businesses in a wide range of industries. I have been designing and delivering training course for over 15 years and have delivered workshops to entry level trainees, managers, business owners and other groups at conferences and seminars. I have always taught that content matters and, with DigiEnable, I am able to take that to the next level and work one on one with businesses across the UK.
I founded DigiEnable in 2012 with Liz Hardwick under the principle of creating a series of high quality, affordable training courses designed to effectively grow your business. DigiEnable helps clients unlock the power of blogging, audio and video creation and Social Media and our clients enjoy sustainable growth, a stronger online presence and a better bottom line.
If you would like to drive more clients to your website, grow your mailing list and gain authority within your sector, get in touch.